Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a type of programming that focuses on creating and manipulating objects, or instances, rather than solely relying on functions or logic....
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Python has a special feature called generators, which are a smart way to create sequences of data without using a lot of memory....
Python 3 introduced a powerful feature called function annotations, which allows developers to add metadata to their functions in a concise and standardized way....
Python is celebrated for its versatility, simplicity, and the robustness of its standard library....
Context Managers provide a simple and consistent way to handle resources that require acquisition and release, such as opening and closing files, locking and unlocking resources, and managing database connections....
Metaclasses in Python are essentially the 'classes of classes.' They define the behavior and rules of class creation. Just as a class defines the blueprint for an object, a metaclass defines the blueprint for a class....